Sunday, December 21, 2008

Every Child Matters

Welcome to Early Childhood Matters!
Thank you for visiting this site, in its infantile status, and offering your contributions to this all-important topic/dialogue.
During his campaign, Barack Obama hilited the importance of investing in the nation's children. I invite you to visit to send President-elect Obama a message to consider the needs of children when writing his new budget. Please help encourage him to make spending on children an families a priority in that budget when he takes office on January 20th, 2009.
Let's all do what we can to sincerely make a difference!
Your friend at Early Childhood Matters,


  1. Yay, Luann! Thanks for starting this. I think we are poised to make a huge difference in early childhood. We are getting more research in that supports that early childhood experiences are important for later success and we have a government that supports early childhood. But we all have to continue to be active advocates. I look forward to more people joining and having great discussion.

    How do I invite some people I think should and would like to join?

  2. Luann, I applaud you for taking the initiative to get the ball rolling on the importance of government support of early childhood programs. I am excited to follow this blog and to see the discussions that unfold on this important topic!

  3. Welcome, Rosemary and Jessie!
    Thanks so much for being the first to respond and getting the ball rolling! I believe we are poised to make a huge difference in early childhood too...that was very well put. As far as others joining, I can give you administrative status and you can invite others and edit the blog as you wish. The more, the merrier! Let's get the word out there!

  4. If anyone else I invite wishes to have administrative status, just let me know! I have invited several other people to join us as bloggers and hope to hear from them soon!

  5. Or, if you would like to send me the names/addresses of people to invite, I would be happy to do that too. Keep us posted on anything interesting pertaining to our work in early childhood education and add any blogs or sites that you have found to be interesting and/or especially helpful! Let's use this site to its max! Thanks for being a part of it all!
